Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sing for Alma Mater

Above- songs used are in no particular order. We will include a lot of our favorites particularly from Nebraska, Illinois, Purdue in a Big 10 version, Rocky Top and some more of our SEC favorites and some of the Ivy League songs that often were the original versions of songs/music now used by lots of schools.

1. "Hail to the Victors" Michigan, the Champions of the West (penned when Michigan was the American West, and still champions).
2. "Hey Fightin' Tigers" not LSU's official Fight Song but we like it.
3. "Tribute to Troy" is used not "Fight On USC".
4. "Yea Alabama" It's Bama, how can you not include it.
5. "Buckeye Battle Cry" is used instead of "Across the Field".
6. "Fight for California" , Berkeley gets to be the champions of California again in this song at least.
7. Cut off version of "Tiger Rag" (see below).
8. "Notre Dame Victory March" is cut off because of a general distaste for ND and it's "no fraternity" policy and because that's the way it was on youtube.
9. "Glory Dixieland" Woof woof Uga, you imposter.
10. "Texas Fight" is cut off, sorry Bevo. Hook 'em!

Below- The Tiger Rag deserves special mention. The song, originally done as a New Orleans Dixie Land jazz number is used by a number of schools but most notably and vigorously at Clemson. At 0:20 when "where's that tiger...hold that tiger" kicks in there is not a fight song that can claim better, - it is truly the "Song that Rocks the Southland" as advertised. Clemson calls their team's entrance into their home stadium the most exciting 25 seconds in college football, which is awesome considering how the following two hours often play out for them.

Below, Southern California adds their martial, triumphant trio of songs- Fanfare, Tribute to Troy and Fight On! Each song seems to be to have been crafted at a nearby Hollywood movie studio as "archetype for all college songs."

Cornell's Give My Regards to Davy, unarguably the most fratty of any fight song ever. What isn't fratty at Cornell is this "anthem", below. Ivy League student-athletes my ass...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the best fight song is the song at the school you're at providing it is a fratty school. There are a lot of songs frattier than that Davy song to me but it is pretty solid.

That guy at Cornell seems like he should be on a BCS team. Can't be good for their rep.