Thursday, November 5, 2009

UC Santa barbara Fraternity Fight Night (funny)

Fight Night at Santa Barbara

Bmaterial | MySpace Video

Hmm. Dunno. We'll let you rate this satirical piece at home

The dance is actually one of the classic two step dances and standing in place shuffles that fraternity men have relied upon for years. They all require just a moderate bop. Other dances of this variety: "fists with thumbs making small circles", "hand with two fingers up in the air and other hand with drink raised at shoulder level", "hand placed on partner and other hand holding drink out of the way", "changing from one vaguely hip hop pose to another". All of these dances can be punctuated with cupped hand yells to bros, pointing to the sky when yelling to bros, leaning-in to talk to partner, pointing at the deejay booth when hearing a favorite song, alternately lifting hands to sky while turning around. It is good to see guys go back to classics.