Wednesday, February 18, 2009
You Submit it and We Show it!
Chi Phi Livin' the Dream (Got your alum in there Zeta. Above are Alpha-Alpha.)
Delta Phi Road Trip.
Zete Psi Does the Alpha Phi Alpha "A Train" in a show of Interfraternal Solidarity at a Black college- Xavier University of New Orleans. Respectful.
Sig Ep at CPU All Fraternities Skit Show.
Pt II Readers' Ratings: Cal Berkeley, North Carolina, Virginia
We all know they're out there and we all read them- the campus fraternity rankings. More rep than reality? Perhaps. Again, we don't make these popular ranking guides and we sure as hell don't endorse them but the guides we do put up tend to have some currency in their communities. Taken with a grain of salt you might find them entertaining, even useful.-NFFY

(Known for fratty architecture, Sigma Phi to left)
Cal "The Row" (UC Berkeley)
Acacia: These guys have a weird rep. They try to be the frat* that isn't a frat. Have some nice guys. Very secretive and insular. Have the longest pledge semester. Known to shotgun bid (give out bids the first day) as well, whittle down by blackballing and hazing. A lot of people talk negatively about it -- but it doesn't seem all that bad. Have a fairly nice house.
Alpha Gamma Omega: The Christian-based Fraternity. I don't know much else than that other than I know a few guys in there, are generally good guys.
ATO: Huge fraternity nationally. Lots of members, lots of alumni money. Definately a top frat but has a hardcore pledge semester. Known to haze really hard.
AEPi: Historically Jewish Fraternity, known to be somewhat sketchy, not popular.
Alpha Sigma Pi: Smaller house, dying. Trying desperately to recruit new members. Offers a good deal for those who are interested though. The guys they do have are pretty chill.
Beta Theta Pi: Rugby house. Has a reasonable number of parties. One of the houses higher up there. Would be better if it didn't have such a skeezy rep.
Chi Phi: Kind of jocky/animal house type frat. Has a good number of guys. Decent guys, great parties. They are often in trouble with the university.
Chi Psi: Shady house. House was in terrible condition last time I went to a party there. They throw lame parties. Otherwise, has a volleyball court and that's pretty cool. Guys aren't all that bad. On the verge of getting kicked off from what I heard.
Delta Chi: Don't know much about them. Throw some decent parties. Recently recolonized/colonized at Cal. House is not that great.
Delta Kappa Epsilon: A animal house/jock (lacrosse) frat. Are on social probation. Throw decent to good parties. Good guys if a bit thick. Used to be and has the potential to be a top frat. House itself is pretty ghetto, but not that bad.
Delta Tau Delta: A smaller house. I don't really know that much about them. Kind of quiet, an eclectic mix of guys from that place but seem to have a good unity.
Delta Upsilon: D.U., this is the only fraternity at Cal that is not a secret society. In other words, you probably won't get hazed (much) -- they're house is alright, but sometimes in not-so-great shape. Guys in there are pretty chill. Has a bit of a drug rep. Can be somewhat sketchy. I've been told its more like a Co-Op than a frat.
Kappa Delta Rho: Last time I heard, they had the highest GPA on campus. Guys are pretty decent if a bit shady but house is in better shape now, losing the drug rep. Is mostly a Studycore/"Revenge-of-the-Nerds" type house, which is by no means a bad thing. Throws some decent parties if you are looking for a stiff drink. Not a bad house overall, but be sure you know what you are getting into.
Kappa Sigma: This is pretty close to a top, if not a top house. They have a lot of members, lots of parties. However -- they have a rep for hazing pretty hard.
Lambda Chi Alpha: Smaller, dying house. Pretty detached from frat row. Don't know that much about it.
Lambda Phi Epsilon: Asian Fraternity. Haze extremely hard (Like joining the NAVY SEALS hard). On the verge of getting kicked off from the word around campus.
Phi Delta Theta: House that is in a state of change. I've heard its dying, but they throw fairly good parties. Used to be a big Republican house, seems to be undergoing a change in terms of political and structural makeup. Pledge semester is pretty easy.
Phi Gamma Delta, Fiji: Definitely a top house -- but only because they have the nicest house on Campus. It was renovated two years back when they re-colonized. Very jock/rich type house. I've heard they haze pretty hard. Has a cleaning service. Very conservative and can be somewhat snobbish from what I've heard.
Phi Kappa Tau: Water Polo House, its definately up there. Throw some good parties.
Pi Alpha Phi: Asian Frat. Across the street from Clark Kerr. They have trouble retaining pledges because they haze so hard. The Asian guy well however is deep enough to keep new pledges coming.
Pi Kappa Alpha: Water Polo/Jock frat. One of the top frats. Part of their house is condemned according to rumor. Has a rivalry with Chi Psi. Dunno much else about it.
Pi Kappa Phi: Was and might still be one of the largest houses on campus. Definitely a well-regarded frat but a lot of testosterone- pugilistic and volatile. House is kind of ghetto, but overall not a bad house.
Pi Lambda Phi: A larger frat, has parties pretty frequently but has something of a gang/thug rep from what I've been told. Hardcore hazing/pledge semester from what I've heard.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Swimmer/jock frat. Smaller, just recolonized. Heard it used to have pretty tough pledge semesters.
Sigma Alpha Mu: Jewish frat. I don't really know anything about these guys. Seem pretty quiet.
Sigma Chi: A higher-up frat, popular but always has some controversy or another going about it. Preppy house. Has good parties. Pledge semester is somewhat rigorous.
Sigma Nu: A Dry Frat. Has a decent number of members. Seem pretty quiet, but they do have a cleaning service.
Sigma Pi: Another frat a little off the beaten trail; throws a good party every semester. Different themes, but their big parties are the Blizzard and the Grotto- not bad at all. A bit sketchy perhaps -- but in a good way.
Tau Kappa Epsilon: The singing fraternity. They are just colonizing/recolonizing this year -- so they have no pledge semester to speak and they are pretty accepting of all comers thus they've attracted a huge number of guys. 42 last time I checked. Getting their house renovated.
Theta Chi: Another revenge of the nerd type frat. Don't know much else about them.
Theta Delta Chi: Smaller, but still managing to stick in there. Despite small flaws and cosmetic damages from age, one of the nicer houses. Throws a number of parties every semester including the Cave and Funk. Pledge semester is not hard. Shortest pledge period.
Theta Xi: It is a "Dry" House and has the lowest GPA. Enough said.
Zeta Beta Tau: Historically Jewish Fraternity. AEPis cousin. Nice house.
Zeta Psi: This is a good house they say is falling off now but we'll have to wait and see. Throws great parties and has a huge place.
*(Forgive the use of frat here, it is an abbreviation not a label)
University of North Carolina rankings
(UNC Basketball's Tyler Hansbrough jumping from roof into pool at SAE party.)
AEPi: Jewish frat. Took over Sigma Nu's old spot in Frat Court on South Columbia. Not much to see here. Catches a pretty musky draft off of the Frat Court dumpsters on the way to Granville.
ATO: Mixture of quality guys and some real nerds. A lot of Pinehurst guys for some reason. Occasionally very strong parties particularly band parties, which are sometimes quite exclusive especially if you were willing to venture up to Franklin Street to snag girls late night on their way back to TriDelt, KD, ChiO, or even the grimy Pi Annex.
Beta: Was Big Four but went through rough times in the early '00s, losing charter, some enormous hazing violations, and brotherhood dwindling in the low 20s or so. Some dubious out of staters, sketchy latenights. The fact remains that if you are a Beta, ChiOs are fish in your proverbial barrel.
Chi Phi: A potent mixture of quality guys (heavily Raleigh and Eastern North Carolina good old boys), Soldiers of the White Army (sniff). Off the beaten path, this house is generally noted to be one of the strongest spots to pregame for football games due to its proximity to Kenan Stadium as well as the following Phi Delt late-night festivities. Rose to social prominence and powers-that-were suggested "Big Five" status, but the rise was promptly quelled by long stints of social probation.
Chi Psi: Academic fraternity, nicest actual house at UNC (they call it the Lodge, not to be confused with the Lodge, which is a separate entity altogether). As with any academic fraternity, you'll find some really solid fratty guys who just happen to want to be with other guys who make good grades and have a nice house, but then again you'll also have some of the nerdiest guys in the entire Greek system.
DKE: Traditionally very strong, Big Four. Tends to dominate rush with its extravagant financial backing and penchant for intense 80's and white-fueled late nights. DKE's famous and trusted name tends to pull in a solid spread of frat guys from all over the United States. Arcade games and pool tables in the foyer are a huge plus, and pledges tend to be impressively obedient, even though bid standards seem to have plummeted in recent years.
Delta Sigma Phi: Delta Sig? Maybe a golf course frat. Who knows.
Delta Upsilon: New fraternity located next to the ADPi house. I would gamble my life on the fact that not one of them has ever gotten laid. Some reports state that the siding of this "fraternity house" is stucco and vinyl. Stucco and vinyl.
KA: Obviously the penultimate Southern good old boy fraternity. Some KAs are great guys, but some just try way too hard to prove how Southern they are. Strong in the early '00s, has most likely fallen off recently now that they've lost their house and live in a sorority house across the street from Lucy's. Lots of UNC Greek leadership cut its teeth on KA hall crawls and the sweet licks of Jupiter Coyote.
Kappa Sig: Mirroring the Pi Lam house (formerly KA) across the sparkling fields of Little Frat Court, it must also be noted that some of the frattier members from the Piedmont have participated in now-legendary sexual escapades (I say "escapades" and not "conquests", because these maneuvers were not performed on the most chaste of Chapel Hill's women).
Lambda Chi Alpha (Lambda Chi): Also located on Franklin Street away from UNC's heart of fraternal excellence, the Lambda Chis are a particularly meaty, Northern bunch. You're much more likely to slip on a puddle of mousse or gel at one of their parties than you are to spot a brother in Patagonia Stand Ups. These guys yearn to live the life of Penn State frat guys, with beer pong tables always in their front yard and sleeves rarely adorning some 'roided muscle-bound (or wishful not so pumped) arms. The Lambda Chis' ratio of dark, spiky hair to sandy brown frat-shags is disturbing at best. Very B-school heavy.
Phi Delt: Consistently deep-pocketed, elitist, and always Big Four (and the most likely among the four to actually use the term "Big Four" in public). Phi Delt's core hails from old, monied North Carolina families as well as locations further up the Eastern Seaboard, but rampant inclusiveness has been a problem of late. Many are unsure as to whether young men actually live at the Phi Delt house or if it is merely a building used for latenights, cocktails, football tailgates, and the infamous Beer Slide Party. Phi Delts are so Phi Delty that the word "Phi Delty" actually makes sense to UNC grads, and some are known to speak with a noticeable PDT accent (something like the escaped con on the Simpsons or an '80's Valley dude accent), seriously overusing the term "brah".
Phi Gam: The last of the Big Four. I'm not sure if there's ever been a Phi Gam who wasn't from Eastern North Carolina. No one knows if it's chicken or egg, but in addition to slaying serious ass, these guys wear the shortest shorts, the pastel-iest pastels, and obviously use very expensive shampoo and conditioner on their enviable frat-shags. Ever heard of the butterfly effect? Well, if you're walking around Chapel Hill and get thrown into a poplar by a tornado, that's the "Phi Gam flipping his coif on the way to class (20 minutes late, and which he will inevitably drop) effect". A bit soft, it's rumored that the Fall Pledge Class of 2005 had a combined weight of 178 lbs.
PiKA: PiKA is to Charlotte as Phi Gam is to Eastern NC. After falling into obscurity and destruction in the late '90s, PiKA underwent major renovations and had a huge resurgence in the early '00s. Initiating some guys who weren't afraid to get after it. The PiKA house consistently throws solid ragers, its battles with neighboring Sigma Chi are the stuff legends. Not all the gel headed douchebags one imagines, but you will smell some axe body spray emanating from this house.
Pi Lambda Phi (Pi Lam) is rumored to only initiate male cheerleaders, heirs to Axe Body Spray wealth, non-athletes from north of the Mason-Dixon, and metrosexuals who wear skinny jeans. And they live in the former KA house. The Confederacy would certainly not be pleased.
SAE: These Frat Court mainstays were host to the now-infamous pictures of Tyler Hansbrough-and-Bobby Frasor-jumping-from-a-roof- into-an-above-ground-pool incident, which added immensely to their street cred. It's undeniable that this house of ruffians love to have a good time and include everyone on campus, which leads to the SAE guys' reputation as just that- good guys with a lot of heart.
Sigma Chi: The natural enemy of the PiKA species, Sigma Chi houses more meat than a city block of Fogo de Chaos. If you play football or lax, or just want to get in fights, Sigma Chi is the way to go. These guys crush beers with their biceps and will beat you up for talking to your own girlfriend.
Sigma Nu: These guys really ran shit in the '70s. Recently re-chartered, I doubt they're bringing too much heat these days.
Sigma Phi Epsilon: The Sig Eps are always a funny mix. Each year, they ride the wave of campus enthusiasm for their yearly Slugfest, and each year, Slugfest seems to disappoint. Regardless, these guys tend to be a hodge-podge of out-of-staters who find a common bond in drinking beers and hanging out shirtless on benches while all of the GDIs go to class. They can't be that bad.
TEP: I believe this is another Jewish frat but one that also reportedly embraces the African-American homosexual community.
ZBT: Jewish frat that doesn't register with anyone. Can't get numbers so they have branched out to a couple of gay and unpopular guys from the GDI world in need of housing options. These guys are obviously too cool for school. Check out their sweet website!
Zeta Psi: Think Mike Vick having sex with John Edwards and then OJ Simpson coming up from behind and chopping them up with a butcher's knife on one special news report. The ultimate fall from grace and it was ugly. Zete was UNC's Animal House. Their Halloween and Jonestown parties were some of the most feared and respected parties on campus for decades. However, in a nod to their Animal House rep, they simply did not give a flying fuck and let their house fall to shambles, leading their Board to completely disband and re-start the house. '05 and previous Zetes are solid frat machines. Post-'06 Zetes are likely to be the biggest douches you'll ever encounter.

University of Virginia: UVa, Mr. Jefferson's University, among the frattiest of them all...
1-3. Zete/DKE/Hall: the undisputed top 3.
4,5. Kappa Sig/Elmo: completes the undisputed top 5.
6. KA: still 6 but what happened to being southern?
7. PiKA: on rep. The Alpha chapter is more Bobby Bowden good ol' boy than northern gel head. .
8-9. Sigma Chi/Chi Phi: A lot of hate, but also a lot of female attention. Both get into it with other fraternities causing some of that hate.
10. SAE: ehh. Can't get the Southern preppy-like types, and athletes they want because 1-9 have them locked down historically and legitimately and don't need the generic SAE brand to fill that category.
11-14: Phi Psi, Sigma Nu, Pi Kap, Phi Society: big, not great, not awful.
15-16. Phi Delt: would be higher if this was based on involvement. FIJI, trying to live up to partying image but haven't been successful at it, not up to national standards.
17. SPE: try way too hard, and very obnoxious.
18-20. Theta Delt, SAM, Sigma Pi
21-24. DU, Delta Sig, Theta Chi, DTD
24-29. Lodge, SERP, AEPi, Pi Lam, ZBT, Phi Sig, ATO

(Known for fratty architecture, Sigma Phi to left)
Cal "The Row" (UC Berkeley)
Acacia: These guys have a weird rep. They try to be the frat* that isn't a frat. Have some nice guys. Very secretive and insular. Have the longest pledge semester. Known to shotgun bid (give out bids the first day) as well, whittle down by blackballing and hazing. A lot of people talk negatively about it -- but it doesn't seem all that bad. Have a fairly nice house.
Alpha Gamma Omega: The Christian-based Fraternity. I don't know much else than that other than I know a few guys in there, are generally good guys.
ATO: Huge fraternity nationally. Lots of members, lots of alumni money. Definately a top frat but has a hardcore pledge semester. Known to haze really hard.
AEPi: Historically Jewish Fraternity, known to be somewhat sketchy, not popular.
Alpha Sigma Pi: Smaller house, dying. Trying desperately to recruit new members. Offers a good deal for those who are interested though. The guys they do have are pretty chill.
Beta Theta Pi: Rugby house. Has a reasonable number of parties. One of the houses higher up there. Would be better if it didn't have such a skeezy rep.
Chi Phi: Kind of jocky/animal house type frat. Has a good number of guys. Decent guys, great parties. They are often in trouble with the university.
Chi Psi: Shady house. House was in terrible condition last time I went to a party there. They throw lame parties. Otherwise, has a volleyball court and that's pretty cool. Guys aren't all that bad. On the verge of getting kicked off from what I heard.
Delta Chi: Don't know much about them. Throw some decent parties. Recently recolonized/colonized at Cal. House is not that great.
Delta Kappa Epsilon: A animal house/jock (lacrosse) frat. Are on social probation. Throw decent to good parties. Good guys if a bit thick. Used to be and has the potential to be a top frat. House itself is pretty ghetto, but not that bad.
Delta Tau Delta: A smaller house. I don't really know that much about them. Kind of quiet, an eclectic mix of guys from that place but seem to have a good unity.
Delta Upsilon: D.U., this is the only fraternity at Cal that is not a secret society. In other words, you probably won't get hazed (much) -- they're house is alright, but sometimes in not-so-great shape. Guys in there are pretty chill. Has a bit of a drug rep. Can be somewhat sketchy. I've been told its more like a Co-Op than a frat.
Kappa Delta Rho: Last time I heard, they had the highest GPA on campus. Guys are pretty decent if a bit shady but house is in better shape now, losing the drug rep. Is mostly a Studycore/"Revenge-of-the-Nerds" type house, which is by no means a bad thing. Throws some decent parties if you are looking for a stiff drink. Not a bad house overall, but be sure you know what you are getting into.
Kappa Sigma: This is pretty close to a top, if not a top house. They have a lot of members, lots of parties. However -- they have a rep for hazing pretty hard.
Lambda Chi Alpha: Smaller, dying house. Pretty detached from frat row. Don't know that much about it.
Lambda Phi Epsilon: Asian Fraternity. Haze extremely hard (Like joining the NAVY SEALS hard). On the verge of getting kicked off from the word around campus.
Phi Delta Theta: House that is in a state of change. I've heard its dying, but they throw fairly good parties. Used to be a big Republican house, seems to be undergoing a change in terms of political and structural makeup. Pledge semester is pretty easy.
Phi Gamma Delta, Fiji: Definitely a top house -- but only because they have the nicest house on Campus. It was renovated two years back when they re-colonized. Very jock/rich type house. I've heard they haze pretty hard. Has a cleaning service. Very conservative and can be somewhat snobbish from what I've heard.
Phi Kappa Tau: Water Polo House, its definately up there. Throw some good parties.
Pi Alpha Phi: Asian Frat. Across the street from Clark Kerr. They have trouble retaining pledges because they haze so hard. The Asian guy well however is deep enough to keep new pledges coming.
Pi Kappa Alpha: Water Polo/Jock frat. One of the top frats. Part of their house is condemned according to rumor. Has a rivalry with Chi Psi. Dunno much else about it.
Pi Kappa Phi: Was and might still be one of the largest houses on campus. Definitely a well-regarded frat but a lot of testosterone- pugilistic and volatile. House is kind of ghetto, but overall not a bad house.
Pi Lambda Phi: A larger frat, has parties pretty frequently but has something of a gang/thug rep from what I've been told. Hardcore hazing/pledge semester from what I've heard.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Swimmer/jock frat. Smaller, just recolonized. Heard it used to have pretty tough pledge semesters.
Sigma Alpha Mu: Jewish frat. I don't really know anything about these guys. Seem pretty quiet.
Sigma Chi: A higher-up frat, popular but always has some controversy or another going about it. Preppy house. Has good parties. Pledge semester is somewhat rigorous.
Sigma Nu: A Dry Frat. Has a decent number of members. Seem pretty quiet, but they do have a cleaning service.
Sigma Pi: Another frat a little off the beaten trail; throws a good party every semester. Different themes, but their big parties are the Blizzard and the Grotto- not bad at all. A bit sketchy perhaps -- but in a good way.
Tau Kappa Epsilon: The singing fraternity. They are just colonizing/recolonizing this year -- so they have no pledge semester to speak and they are pretty accepting of all comers thus they've attracted a huge number of guys. 42 last time I checked. Getting their house renovated.
Theta Chi: Another revenge of the nerd type frat. Don't know much else about them.
Theta Delta Chi: Smaller, but still managing to stick in there. Despite small flaws and cosmetic damages from age, one of the nicer houses. Throws a number of parties every semester including the Cave and Funk. Pledge semester is not hard. Shortest pledge period.
Theta Xi: It is a "Dry" House and has the lowest GPA. Enough said.
Zeta Beta Tau: Historically Jewish Fraternity. AEPis cousin. Nice house.
Zeta Psi: This is a good house they say is falling off now but we'll have to wait and see. Throws great parties and has a huge place.
*(Forgive the use of frat here, it is an abbreviation not a label)
University of North Carolina rankings

AEPi: Jewish frat. Took over Sigma Nu's old spot in Frat Court on South Columbia. Not much to see here. Catches a pretty musky draft off of the Frat Court dumpsters on the way to Granville.
ATO: Mixture of quality guys and some real nerds. A lot of Pinehurst guys for some reason. Occasionally very strong parties particularly band parties, which are sometimes quite exclusive especially if you were willing to venture up to Franklin Street to snag girls late night on their way back to TriDelt, KD, ChiO, or even the grimy Pi Annex.
Beta: Was Big Four but went through rough times in the early '00s, losing charter, some enormous hazing violations, and brotherhood dwindling in the low 20s or so. Some dubious out of staters, sketchy latenights. The fact remains that if you are a Beta, ChiOs are fish in your proverbial barrel.
Chi Phi: A potent mixture of quality guys (heavily Raleigh and Eastern North Carolina good old boys), Soldiers of the White Army (sniff). Off the beaten path, this house is generally noted to be one of the strongest spots to pregame for football games due to its proximity to Kenan Stadium as well as the following Phi Delt late-night festivities. Rose to social prominence and powers-that-were suggested "Big Five" status, but the rise was promptly quelled by long stints of social probation.
Chi Psi: Academic fraternity, nicest actual house at UNC (they call it the Lodge, not to be confused with the Lodge, which is a separate entity altogether). As with any academic fraternity, you'll find some really solid fratty guys who just happen to want to be with other guys who make good grades and have a nice house, but then again you'll also have some of the nerdiest guys in the entire Greek system.
DKE: Traditionally very strong, Big Four. Tends to dominate rush with its extravagant financial backing and penchant for intense 80's and white-fueled late nights. DKE's famous and trusted name tends to pull in a solid spread of frat guys from all over the United States. Arcade games and pool tables in the foyer are a huge plus, and pledges tend to be impressively obedient, even though bid standards seem to have plummeted in recent years.
Delta Sigma Phi: Delta Sig? Maybe a golf course frat. Who knows.
Delta Upsilon: New fraternity located next to the ADPi house. I would gamble my life on the fact that not one of them has ever gotten laid. Some reports state that the siding of this "fraternity house" is stucco and vinyl. Stucco and vinyl.
KA: Obviously the penultimate Southern good old boy fraternity. Some KAs are great guys, but some just try way too hard to prove how Southern they are. Strong in the early '00s, has most likely fallen off recently now that they've lost their house and live in a sorority house across the street from Lucy's. Lots of UNC Greek leadership cut its teeth on KA hall crawls and the sweet licks of Jupiter Coyote.
Kappa Sig: Mirroring the Pi Lam house (formerly KA) across the sparkling fields of Little Frat Court, it must also be noted that some of the frattier members from the Piedmont have participated in now-legendary sexual escapades (I say "escapades" and not "conquests", because these maneuvers were not performed on the most chaste of Chapel Hill's women).
Lambda Chi Alpha (Lambda Chi): Also located on Franklin Street away from UNC's heart of fraternal excellence, the Lambda Chis are a particularly meaty, Northern bunch. You're much more likely to slip on a puddle of mousse or gel at one of their parties than you are to spot a brother in Patagonia Stand Ups. These guys yearn to live the life of Penn State frat guys, with beer pong tables always in their front yard and sleeves rarely adorning some 'roided muscle-bound (or wishful not so pumped) arms. The Lambda Chis' ratio of dark, spiky hair to sandy brown frat-shags is disturbing at best. Very B-school heavy.
Phi Delt: Consistently deep-pocketed, elitist, and always Big Four (and the most likely among the four to actually use the term "Big Four" in public). Phi Delt's core hails from old, monied North Carolina families as well as locations further up the Eastern Seaboard, but rampant inclusiveness has been a problem of late. Many are unsure as to whether young men actually live at the Phi Delt house or if it is merely a building used for latenights, cocktails, football tailgates, and the infamous Beer Slide Party. Phi Delts are so Phi Delty that the word "Phi Delty" actually makes sense to UNC grads, and some are known to speak with a noticeable PDT accent (something like the escaped con on the Simpsons or an '80's Valley dude accent), seriously overusing the term "brah".
Phi Gam: The last of the Big Four. I'm not sure if there's ever been a Phi Gam who wasn't from Eastern North Carolina. No one knows if it's chicken or egg, but in addition to slaying serious ass, these guys wear the shortest shorts, the pastel-iest pastels, and obviously use very expensive shampoo and conditioner on their enviable frat-shags. Ever heard of the butterfly effect? Well, if you're walking around Chapel Hill and get thrown into a poplar by a tornado, that's the "Phi Gam flipping his coif on the way to class (20 minutes late, and which he will inevitably drop) effect". A bit soft, it's rumored that the Fall Pledge Class of 2005 had a combined weight of 178 lbs.
PiKA: PiKA is to Charlotte as Phi Gam is to Eastern NC. After falling into obscurity and destruction in the late '90s, PiKA underwent major renovations and had a huge resurgence in the early '00s. Initiating some guys who weren't afraid to get after it. The PiKA house consistently throws solid ragers, its battles with neighboring Sigma Chi are the stuff legends. Not all the gel headed douchebags one imagines, but you will smell some axe body spray emanating from this house.
Pi Lambda Phi (Pi Lam) is rumored to only initiate male cheerleaders, heirs to Axe Body Spray wealth, non-athletes from north of the Mason-Dixon, and metrosexuals who wear skinny jeans. And they live in the former KA house. The Confederacy would certainly not be pleased.
SAE: These Frat Court mainstays were host to the now-infamous pictures of Tyler Hansbrough-and-Bobby Frasor-jumping-from-a-roof- into-an-above-ground-pool incident, which added immensely to their street cred. It's undeniable that this house of ruffians love to have a good time and include everyone on campus, which leads to the SAE guys' reputation as just that- good guys with a lot of heart.
Sigma Chi: The natural enemy of the PiKA species, Sigma Chi houses more meat than a city block of Fogo de Chaos. If you play football or lax, or just want to get in fights, Sigma Chi is the way to go. These guys crush beers with their biceps and will beat you up for talking to your own girlfriend.
Sigma Nu: These guys really ran shit in the '70s. Recently re-chartered, I doubt they're bringing too much heat these days.
Sigma Phi Epsilon: The Sig Eps are always a funny mix. Each year, they ride the wave of campus enthusiasm for their yearly Slugfest, and each year, Slugfest seems to disappoint. Regardless, these guys tend to be a hodge-podge of out-of-staters who find a common bond in drinking beers and hanging out shirtless on benches while all of the GDIs go to class. They can't be that bad.
TEP: I believe this is another Jewish frat but one that also reportedly embraces the African-American homosexual community.
ZBT: Jewish frat that doesn't register with anyone. Can't get numbers so they have branched out to a couple of gay and unpopular guys from the GDI world in need of housing options. These guys are obviously too cool for school. Check out their sweet website!
Zeta Psi: Think Mike Vick having sex with John Edwards and then OJ Simpson coming up from behind and chopping them up with a butcher's knife on one special news report. The ultimate fall from grace and it was ugly. Zete was UNC's Animal House. Their Halloween and Jonestown parties were some of the most feared and respected parties on campus for decades. However, in a nod to their Animal House rep, they simply did not give a flying fuck and let their house fall to shambles, leading their Board to completely disband and re-start the house. '05 and previous Zetes are solid frat machines. Post-'06 Zetes are likely to be the biggest douches you'll ever encounter.

University of Virginia: UVa, Mr. Jefferson's University, among the frattiest of them all...
1-3. Zete/DKE/Hall: the undisputed top 3.
4,5. Kappa Sig/Elmo: completes the undisputed top 5.
6. KA: still 6 but what happened to being southern?
7. PiKA: on rep. The Alpha chapter is more Bobby Bowden good ol' boy than northern gel head. .
8-9. Sigma Chi/Chi Phi: A lot of hate, but also a lot of female attention. Both get into it with other fraternities causing some of that hate.
10. SAE: ehh. Can't get the Southern preppy-like types, and athletes they want because 1-9 have them locked down historically and legitimately and don't need the generic SAE brand to fill that category.
11-14: Phi Psi, Sigma Nu, Pi Kap, Phi Society: big, not great, not awful.
15-16. Phi Delt: would be higher if this was based on involvement. FIJI, trying to live up to partying image but haven't been successful at it, not up to national standards.
17. SPE: try way too hard, and very obnoxious.
18-20. Theta Delt, SAM, Sigma Pi
21-24. DU, Delta Sig, Theta Chi, DTD
24-29. Lodge, SERP, AEPi, Pi Lam, ZBT, Phi Sig, ATO
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